More and more Belgians have an increasing debt on their bank accounts. Holders of a current account are allowed to have a negative bank balance of exactly € 1250. But this indirect way of credit loan is being abused to an increasing extent. According to an inquiry conducted by Febelfin, one out of five bank accounts were in the red at a certain moment in 2008. Unfortunately this trend is proceeding and in the first half of 2009 they have observed a 10% rise in comparison with 2008.
Dennis Ingelbeen
2 opmerkingen:
Good text. Good coherence!
More and more Belgians have an increasing debt on their bank accounts. Holders of a current account are allowed to have a negative bank balance of exactly € 1250. But this indirect way of credit loan is being abused to an increasing extent. According to an inquiry conducted by Febelfin, one out of five bank accounts were in the red at a certain moment in 2008. Unfortunately this trend continues and in the first half of 2009 they have observed a 10% rise in comparison with 2008.
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