zondag 4 oktober 2009

Preventing financial crisis by good oversight.

The Belgian government is making new, more severe rules. Those rules should prevent having another bank crisis. These new rules should make it possible for the government to intervene faster and more effective. Setting up a good financial structure and a better informed government should prevent banks doing unacceptable things and if they go over the line there will be a commission to punish them more effective than before.

Doolaeghe Wesley

De Standaard

2 opmerkingen:

EcoEnglish zei

drop 'having'
These new rules --> they
FROM doing

EcoEnglish zei

Preventing financial crisis by good oversight.

The Belgian government is making new, more severe rules. Those rules should prevent another bank crisis. They should make it possible for the government to intervene faster and more effectively. Setting up a good financial structure and a better informed government should prevent banks from doing unacceptable things and if they go over the line there will be a commission to punish them more effectively than before.