Can you imagine to lose almost everything you own, to live with a lack of money and still stay calm and rational under these circumstances? Allow me to tell you that this is exactly what happened to quite a few shareholders from Fortis bank and insurance, when the shares plummeted to almost zero.
Some of the victims, overwhelmed with feelings of anger and disappointment and certain that they had been betrayed, couldn’t bear this situation any longer and therefore threatened and even physically attacked their investment advisors, who now live in a constant fear to go back to their work. But we mustn’t forget that ‘we shouldn’t fight a battle if we don’t gain anything by winning’, like Erwin Rommel once said.
Joost Dumeez
2 opmerkingen:
to lose --> losing, living, staying
interesring, but not 100% coherent: I don't see how the opening stce fits in with the rest - and the Rommel quote is, well, not really to the point
More than 5 billion euro’s went up in smoke after the shares from Fortis Bank and Insurance plummeted to almost zero. Imagine you were one of those shareholders and lost almost everything you owned, would you still stayed calm and rational under those circumstances? Some of the victims, overwhelmed with feelings of anger and certain that they had been betrayed, couldn’t bear this situation any longer and therefore threatened and even physically attacked their investment advisors. They now still live in constant fear to go back to their work.
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