It's not that bad being a banker even when the economic activity is very low. That's concluded by Reuters who published the remuneration of the best paid bankers in the world. It's prominent that particulary American bankers earn extremily much, European bankers earn less but both of them still earn more than 1 million dollars a year. Only Chinese bankers have a proper wage, that's because they are appointed en controlled by the Chinese government.
Kevin Lampaert
2 opmerkingen:
That's concluded by...: This is what Reuters concluded ...
Drop "It's prominent that"
extremEly; beter: 'a lot' or 'very large sums'
both of them --> both categories
Full stop after 'wage'; better: a reasonable salary
It's not that bad being a banker even when the economic activity is very low. This is what Reuters concluded who published the remuneration of the best paid bankers in the world. Particularly American bankers earn very large sums, European bankers earn less but both categories still earn more than 1 million dollars a year. Only Chinese bankers have a reasonable salary. That's because they are appointed en controlled by the Chinese government.
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