It seems to be we are heading for a multi-polar world. This past year it became clear the absolute power of the United States has begun significantly to decline. The US economy has been in recession for almost two years, while emerging economies have grown.. “The US economic power is declining as a result of the financial crisis” the head of the World Bank has said. The loss of US economic power has also political consequences. The Group of 20 including emerging economies, appears to have replaced the G7.
BBCmoneyweekReutersJoachim Faingnaert
2 opmerkingen:
drop 'to be'
put 'significantly' at the end
drop 'the' before 'power'
also has
It seems we are heading for a multi-polar world. This past year it became clear the absolute power of the United States has begun to decline significantly. The US economy has been in recession for almost two years, while emerging economies have grown.. "US economic power is declining as a result of the financial crisis” the head of the World Bank said. The loss of US economic power has also political consequences. The Group of 20 including emerging economies, appears to have replaced the G7.
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