dinsdag 14 oktober 2008

The financial crisis makes formula 1 teams crash

The financial crisis has an effect on everything and everyone, even on the rich formula 1 teams. The crisis controls the news these days and more and more people are confronted with the difficulties, even formula 1 starts to feel the crisis, for example the formula 1 teams Renault and Williams, who are mainly sponsored by ING and Royal Bank of Scotland. Williams is very likely to be confronted with a financial draw by the end of this season. So the financial crisis is a worldwide phenomenon, nobody can escape from the severe consequences.

Jonas Ingels

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EcoEnglish zei

The financial crisis has an effect on everything and everyone, even on the rich formula 1 teams. The crisis controls the news these days and more and more people are confronted with the difficulties, even formula 1 starts to feel the crisis, for example the formula 1 teams Renault and Williams, who are mainly sponsored by ING and Royal Bank of Scotland. Williams is very likely to be confronted with a financial draw [drawback] by the end of this season. So the financial crisis is a worldwide phenomenon, nobody can escape from the severe consequences.

good flow, clear focus
